Carly Knapp PhD LMHC Carly Knapp PhD LMHC
Publications and Professional Interest

I am currently in the process of revising my published doctoral dissertation Eros and Thanatos: A Figuration of Death as an Imaginal Presence in Dialogue with Depth Psychology into individual articles and book form.

The topic of interest about which I am writing, and developing workshops, concerns the theme of death as a presence in everyday life and experiences in the field of psychology in general and the practice of psychotherapy in particular. I am continuing my research into the relationship between love and death, especially, and how that is experienced by those who have been faced with a diagnosis of life threatening illness or those who have lost a loved one. Particularly, how does that translate into cultural experiences of love and death, personal experiences of the presence of death in everyday life, and in the therapeutic relationship and process of healing?

I am currently writing on the subjects of “Psychology and Death,” “Questions about Eros and Thanatos,” and “The Imaginal Presence of Death,” as well as “Death in Culture and Cosmos: What’s Love Got to Do With It?”